Since we have been talking about the US, why don't we pop on down all the way to the island of Kaua'i, Hawaii. One of the most beautiful places on earth. Of course, when I went to visit there it decided to rain for 2 weeks straight. Yeah Hawaii gets rain but usually it's for a short time each day. This was all day, every day, over cast skies, don't go in the water because the sharks are lingering and will eat you kind of rain. But we made the best of it anyway and to this day it is still one of my favorite vacation places. I went to this location with my family. Doesn't happen to much anymore but from time to time they do enjoy bringing a ~photographer~ along. :-)
Since there is a bit of a time change between there and Minnesota, I found myself waking up well before the sun. That is not so normal for me. The first morning I ventured outside of our condo that overlooked the ocean and found this magnificent view of the sun coming up behind the lighthouse. It was a perfect way to peacefully wake up before beginning our weeks of adventures.
And here is one more family favorite of the three boys all lined up in order by age. They aren't real fond of getting their photo taken and this one was taken in stealth mode so no one ruined it for me. If you have teenagers, then I'm sure you know what I mean. The one thing about being the person with the camera on vacation... often I come home and people ask where I am in all of the photos. :-/
Later that week we took a boat ride up the Napali Mountain coast line. Of course there was more rain and gray skies which brought with it large waves and made for some very sea sick family members! This coast line may look familiar to you. It is the backdrop for many movies such as Pirates of the Caribbean and the TV show Lost was also filmed here. This photo doesn't do the mountains justice. In real life they look like they reach all the way up to heaven.
We even had some whales following the boat that day. Whales might every well be one of the most difficult things I have every photographed because you really have no idea when and where they are going to pop out of the water. We stood there for ever just watching over the horizon waiting for any movement to photograph.
This water fall is called Secret Falls. There is a good reason for this too! To get to it you have to paddle a kayak up stream for a hour. Then you land on shore and start hiking. At some point you have to cross a dangerous high current stream by holding on to a rope and the water goes up to your neckline (well at least mine). Then continue walking along the rivers edge for about an hour which is extra fun when it is raining and the mud makes you slide towards the cliff. But this was a once in a lifetime trip. Usually hundreds of people visit this spot every day to swim under the waterfall where the king used to bath but on this day the weather was so bad that the only people who were there were my father, my brother, my self and our tour guide. Wow! I never could have gotten this photo with a hundred people swimming around.
When people ask me to pick my favorite place I've ever been on earth, this is it. I will never forget it as long as I live. Thinking back to it even gives me goosebumps. This is another 16x24 canvas that hangs on my wall in my office that I dream about every day. Once in a lifetime experience!
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