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Friday, August 3, 2012


One of my favorite things to do when I'm visiting other countries is to sit outside at a coffee shop with my camera relaxing and photographing the culture of the city as it passes by. My favorite spy lens to do this with is Canon's 135mm F2 L. I won't travel without it. There is just something about the look of the photos that the lens produces that is pretty amazing. Quite often when people are curious enough to ask what I used to take a photo with, the answer is my 135. I have on occasion joked that when I die I would like it to be buried with me.

Kristen Herber Photography
Here is a fun image that I took while hanging out at one of the most picturesque parks in Paris, the Jardin Du Luxembourg. This is a park that may Parisian's choose to hang out at.  It was even an inspiration for Monet. It is filled with romantic benches, water fountains, flowers, children's play areas, and I even saw some horse drawn carriages pass by too.

Kristen Herber Photography
As you walk around Paris there are many beautiful corner parks to stop by and rest at so you can escape inner city life for a while. Many of them have beautiful water fountains in the middle such as this one you see above. It was hard not to stop and rest at each one but this city has so much to do and see that there was no rest to be had!

Kristen Herber Photography
Everywhere you go in Paris you are surrounded by street performers. The are on the streets, in the subways, at restaurants, every place but in your hotel room and they all want money. Some of them are really good and some of them are horrid. A few times we were riding the subway and groups of them started performing during the ride. Sure it was fun to watch but then you are pretty much forced to give them money or they get upset with you. It got quite annoying after a while but you have to give them credit for finding a way to make a living.

Kristen Herber Photography
Here is one of those coffee shop shots. This guy is pretty amazing. I love everything he has going on- hair, outfit, big belt buckle, white tennies, cigarette hanging out of his mouth, head phone in his ears. So awesome! Thank you awesome dude for letting me capture a memory to remind me of how interesting the Parisian's dress. Let me tell you, I was feeling pretty out of place. Even in my high end name brand clothes I brought along, I still stuck out like an American sore thumb yet THIS guy fit in perfectly.

Kristen Herber Photography
And ohhh the food. There is something Paris has going for itself. I don't know how the models keep themselves from eating all the deliciousness that surrounds them. If I lived there I would be a very fat person. The put so much love and care into everything they make. Even their so called convenient food shops. It's like you take a bit and rainbows and unicorns spill out of everything you eat. I ate courses at restaurants that to this day I have never forgotten the taste in my mouth and day dream about someday eating again.

Kristen Herber Photography
Let's not forget that they are known for their sweets. Every day I passed by numerous shops that sold these adorable little handmade desserts. They each looked like art. One night I was out working on some photo work and when I was coming home I couldn't resist any longer. I walked into this shop and bought like 3 or 4 little desserts and carried them home. The guy who rang me up eyed me up and down probably thinking- do you really need to eat all of these you larger than a size 2 American girl. Why yes, yes I do! Each one was carefully and artistically wrapped up for the journey and I felt like I was opening Christmas packages when it was finally time to indulge. Everyone was so amazing and I had a terrible stomach ache but it was sooo worth it. Thank goodness I do not live by a shop that looks and sells things so tantalizing as these.


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