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Monday, July 23, 2012

Bethal, Alaska {Cama-i Dance Festival}

A few hours flight west of Anchorage is the small town of Bethal, Alaska. This town is the most known to many of the villagers. It is where the closest airport, hospital, and grocery stores are. It's the closest town to the Yup'ik Eskimo villages that is modern and many of the school kids have flown to this town from time to time for events funded by the government's school funds. I traveled to Bethal to attend their cultural festival which features dancing from all regions of Alaska, including a few villages that I performed while in Tununak. This festival is known at the Cama-i Dance Festival. It is a weekend long event and villagers from all around Alaska, as well as tourists come to watch.It is even broadcast live on their website so people from all around can tune in and watch. The festival was still going on once I was back in the lower 48 and I did indeed turn on the website channel and leave it play the rest of the festival. I really enjoyed watching this dancing.
This group of Yup'ik dancers if from the village of Chefornak. I had the privilege of getting to hear them when I was in Tununak so I was familiar with some of their songs and dance steps.

I LOVED photographing the children dancing. This is one of my favorite photos from Bethal. Their expressions are natural and in the moment.

During my travels from Bethal to Anchorage I was able to capture some breathtaking sights of the landscape. These images are the kind that you know in that moment when you see the view it is so spectacular you will never forget what it looked like as long as you live.
Can you see the smoking volcano? I actually didn't even notice it until I was back home and looking over my pictures. What a beautiful sight!

And one last photo to share. It doesn't even look real to me. It looks more like a painting and my memories of being here seem more like a dream.

Question for my readers:

What are some of the most beautiful locations on Earth you have ever had the privilege of visiting?  (leave your comments below!)


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