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Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Ever since I was a child I have seen this pointy metal structure called the Eiffel Tower showcased in books, in painting, on home decor... you can find the symbol on practically anything yet nothing prepared me for what it would be like to see this beautiful monstrosity in real life. In 2009, I headed to Paris to do some photo work and landed upon one of the most photographic cities I have ever been to. Oddly, even so- it is also one of my least favorite cities as well because I found myself surrounded by rude, smelly, judgmental people which greatly dampened the atmosphere. Ok, back to the tower. I will never forget the first time I saw it. I was touring the city with my brother Cake, who was living there at the time studying cooking. He took me there by subway. We came out of the subway station, walked up a flight of stairs until we reached the sun and I turned to my left and stopped dead in my tracks. This was the scene in front of me:
Kristen Herber Photography
The photo still doesn't do the sight justice but it's the best I could do without bringing each of you there with me.  I've always had some odd fascination with this structure. My living room is covered with Eiffel Tower things. This was pretty darn exciting. I sat there for a long time just staring at it.

Kristen Herber Photography
As I continued on my adventure in Paris, I would photograph any image I could that allowed me to put the tower somewhere in the background. I have always thought this image to be fun. Somehow I always seem to capture birds flying off of sculptures when I go places and I never even know I did until I get home and look at the photos.

Kristen Herber Photography
This is my favorite photo that I took of the tower. When I took this I was standing at the top of Notre Dame Cathedral. It took climbing 400 very steep spiral steps to get this image. What I think I love is that unless you look closely at the cars and buses, you could places this photo in practically any time period from when the tower was built. It's ageless. This is another 16x24 inch canvas that hangs on my office wall. It is so beautiful blown up.

Kristen Herber Photography
And here is one more from the top of Notre Dame but this time you can see a gargoyle off to the side. When I got back from Paris I said it was the first place I have ever been that I didn't feel the need to ever go back to but the more and more I look at my photos, the more I want to go back and take more. If only I could take away my sense of smell while I was there and if people would just be more nice. Another big this was how expensive everything in the city was. It would be a great place to go if you were rich but I wouldn't recommend it to a poor college student.

Kristen Herber Photography
And then I must include a photo of the tower at night all lit up. When it gets dark the lights on the tower go on which is the yellowish orange color you see but every hour on the hour the tower then also sparkles like crazy for a few minutes. It looks like a tower of glitter and that is the white areas you see around the arches. It is quite a scene. There are huge crowds that gather to watch. It was really hard picking some of my favorite Eiffel Tower photos to post. I have so many more. If you would like to see more, please feel free to contact me and I'd love to send you a link. 



  1. I was in Paris for 44 fun-packed hours in early August, 2006. I arrived via subway - I mean the metro...anyone remember the 80s song? "I remember hating you for loving me...riding on the me-e-e-tro" -- found my little hotel which was pretty reasonable, thanks to a friend's recommendation. I went on a guided tour the next day and I awoke at 4am and just gave up and went to the tour location, arriving around 6am. The tour office wasn't open yet, but thankfully I found a coffee shop that was, took my espresso to go and started to wander. I turned one corner, and like you, stumbled upon a sight that took my breath away: the Place de la Concorde. "I am in the city of the Gods!" I thought. I took a lot of photos, not as good as yours, but had a great time. I saw the tower lit up at night from a wine-drenched boat ride down the Seine after this crazed bicycle tour led by American and Canadian staff who butchered their French pronunciation but that was OK. People were mostly nice to me, but I did experience that snooty, More Parisian Than Thou attitude once or twice.

    1. Ahhh Very nice! :-) Thank you for sharing your experience with me Rachel! I love that we have a shared connection with that wow moment of seeing the tower. What an incredible city huh? Thinking about your comments made me consider the fact that I probably ran into more people who were rude to me because I went way out of my way to see and eat at parts of Paris that many tourists don't go to. I don't speak a lick of French and can't pronounce it worth a darn so they were not so patient with me, many refusing to even try to speak English with me out of spite. Luckily my brother spoke a little. When I was in more touristy areas people were much nicer. I would LOVE to see your photos!



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